Ray Tracing and Photon Mapping
Grant Schindler, 2007

Rendering Mode: Click icons below image to toggle photon mapping.

Spheres: Click and drag spheres to move them.

Light: Click and drag anywhere else to move light.

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Description The realism of ray tracing can be improved by simulating individual photons that are emitted from a light source and bounce around the scene. Here, 1000 photons each bounce three times, leading to realistic color bleeding and soft shadows. Watch what happens as you move around the spheres and the light under all three rendering modes: (1) standard ray tracing, (2) ray tracing with photon mapping, and (3) visualization of the photon map itself. Use keys 1, 2, and 3 on your keyboard to switch modes.

Motivation The goal here was to implement ray tracing with photon mapping as simply as possible. Though there exist other global illumination methods, photon mapping was chosen because it is both simple to understand and simple to implement. The depicted scene is a variation of the Cornell Box.

Technical Details For ray tracing, we shoot one ray per pixel into the scene (allowing a single reflection from the specular sphere). A single shadow-ray then determines whether or not a pixel is lit by a point light source. To compute the photon map, we emit 1000 photons (each of which bounces three times) from a hemispherical light source. For each photon bounce we also compute a single corresponding shadow photon. Photon mapping is enabled simply by replacing the final lighting step of ray tracing with a photon gathering step in which, for any scene point being rendered, photons are integrated over a fixed-size area (no kd-tree is used).

Source Code Source code is provided below for educational purposes. It includes a very simple ray tracer (150 lines) and photon mapper (75 lines), and is about 375 total lines of code including the user interface. In addition to brevity, the code is self-contained (no external libraries) and well commented, and is hopefully easy to follow. Complete source files for the project are here: photonMapping.zip (24KB). Built with Processing.

References Henrik Wann Jensen. Global Illumination using Photon Maps. 1996.

//Ray Tracing & Photon Mapping
//Grant Schindler, 2007

// ----- Scene Description -----
int szImg = 512; //Image Size
int nrTypes = 2; //2 Object Types (Sphere = 0, Plane = 1)
int[] nrObjects = {2,5}; //2 Spheres, 5 Planes
float gAmbient = 0.1; //Ambient Lighting
float[] gOrigin = {0.0,0.0,0.0}; //World Origin for Convenient Re-Use Below (Constant)
float[] Light = {0.0,1.2,3.75}; //Point Light-Source Position
float[][] spheres = {{1.0,0.0,4.0,0.5},{-0.6,-1.0,4.5,0.5}}; //Sphere Center & Radius
float[][] planes = {{0, 1.5},{1, -1.5},{0, -1.5},{1, 1.5},{2,5.0}}; //Plane Axis & Distance-to-Origin

// ----- Photon Mapping -----
int nrPhotons = 1000; //Number of Photons Emitted
int nrBounces = 3; //Number of Times Each Photon Bounces
boolean lightPhotons = true; //Enable Photon Lighting?
float sqRadius = 0.7; //Photon Integration Area (Squared for Efficiency)
float exposure = 50.0; //Number of Photons Integrated at Brightest Pixel
int[][] numPhotons = {{0,0},{0,0,0,0,0}}; //Photon Count for Each Scene Object
float[][][][][] photons = new float[2][5][5000][3][3]; //Allocated Memory for Per-Object Photon Info

// ----- Raytracing Globals -----
boolean gIntersect = false; //For Latest Raytracing Call... Was Anything Intersected by the Ray?
int gType; //... Type of the Intersected Object (Sphere or Plane)
int gIndex; //... Index of the Intersected Object (Which Sphere/Plane Was It?)
float gSqDist, gDist = -1.0; //... Distance from Ray Origin to Intersection
float[] gPoint = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; //... Point At Which the Ray Intersected the Object

//Ray-Geometry Intersections -----------------------------------------------------------

void raySphere(int idx, float[] r, float[] o) //Ray-Sphere Intersection: r=Ray Direction, o=Ray Origin
float[] s = sub3(spheres[idx],o); //s=Sphere Center Translated into Coordinate Frame of Ray Origin
float radius = spheres[idx][3]; //radius=Sphere Radius

//Intersection of Sphere and Line = Quadratic Function of Distance
float A = dot3(r,r); // Remember This From High School? :
float B = -2.0 * dot3(s,r); // A x^2 + B x + C = 0
float C = dot3(s,s) - sq(radius); // (r'r)x^2 - (2s'r)x + (s's - radius^2) = 0
float D = B*B - 4*A*C; // Precompute Discriminant

if (D > 0.0){ //Solution Exists only if sqrt(D) is Real (not Imaginary)
float sign = (C < -0.00001) ? 1 : -1; //Ray Originates Inside Sphere If C < 0
float lDist = (-B + sign*sqrt(D))/(2*A); //Solve Quadratic Equation for Distance to Intersection
checkDistance(lDist,0,idx);} //Is This Closest Intersection So Far?

void rayPlane(int idx, float[] r, float[] o){ //Ray-Plane Intersection
int axis = (int) planes[idx][0]; //Determine Orientation of Axis-Aligned Plane
if (r[axis] != 0.0){ //Parallel Ray -> No Intersection
float lDist = (planes[idx][1] - o[axis]) / r[axis]; //Solve Linear Equation (rx = p-o)

void rayObject(int type, int idx, float[] r, float[] o){
if (type == 0) raySphere(idx,r,o); else rayPlane(idx,r,o);

void checkDistance(float lDist, int p, int i){
if (lDist < gDist && lDist > 0.0){ //Closest Intersection So Far in Forward Direction of Ray?
gType = p; gIndex = i; gDist = lDist; gIntersect = true;} //Save Intersection in Global State

// Lighting -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

float lightDiffuse(float[] N, float[] P){ //Diffuse Lighting at Point P with Surface Normal N
float[] L = normalize3( sub3(Light,P) ); //Light Vector (Point to Light)
return dot3(N,L); //Dot Product = cos (Light-to-Surface-Normal Angle)

float[] sphereNormal(int idx, float[] P){
return normalize3(sub3(P,spheres[idx])); //Surface Normal (Center to Point)

float[] planeNormal(int idx, float[] P, float[] O){
int axis = (int) planes[idx][0];
float [] N = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
N[axis] = O[axis] - planes[idx][1]; //Vector From Surface to Light
return normalize3(N);

float[] surfaceNormal(int type, int index, float[] P, float[] Inside){
if (type == 0) {return sphereNormal(index,P);}
else {return planeNormal(index,P,Inside);}

float lightObject(int type, int idx, float[] P, float lightAmbient){
float i = lightDiffuse( surfaceNormal(type, idx, P, Light) , P );
return min(1.0, max(i, lightAmbient)); //Add in Ambient Light by Constraining Min Value

// Raytracing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

void raytrace(float[] ray, float[] origin)
gIntersect = false; //No Intersections Along This Ray Yet
gDist = 999999.9; //Maximum Distance to Any Object

for (int t = 0; t < nrTypes; t++)
for (int i = 0; i < nrObjects[t]; i++)

float[] computePixelColor(float x, float y){
float[] rgb = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
float[] ray = { x/szImg - 0.5 , //Convert Pixels to Image Plane Coordinates
-(y/szImg - 0.5), 1.0}; //Focal Length = 1.0
raytrace(ray, gOrigin); //Raytrace!!! - Intersected Objects are Stored in Global State

if (gIntersect){ //Intersection
gPoint = mul3c(ray,gDist); //3D Point of Intersection

if (gType == 0 && gIndex == 1){ //Mirror Surface on This Specific Object
ray = reflect(ray,gOrigin); //Reflect Ray Off the Surface
raytrace(ray, gPoint); //Follow the Reflected Ray
if (gIntersect){ gPoint = add3( mul3c(ray,gDist), gPoint); }} //3D Point of Intersection

if (lightPhotons){ //Lighting via Photon Mapping
rgb = gatherPhotons(gPoint,gType,gIndex);}
else{ //Lighting via Standard Illumination Model (Diffuse + Ambient)
int tType = gType, tIndex = gIndex;//Remember Intersected Object
float i = gAmbient; //If in Shadow, Use Ambient Color of Original Object
raytrace( sub3(gPoint,Light) , Light); //Raytrace from Light to Object
if (tType == gType && tIndex == gIndex) //Ray from Light->Object Hits Object First?
i = lightObject(gType, gIndex, gPoint, gAmbient); //Not In Shadow - Compute Lighting
rgb[0]=i; rgb[1]=i; rgb[2]=i;
rgb = getColor(rgb,tType,tIndex);}
return rgb;

float[] reflect(float[] ray, float[] fromPoint){ //Reflect Ray
float[] N = surfaceNormal(gType, gIndex, gPoint, fromPoint); //Surface Normal
return normalize3(sub3(ray, mul3c(N,(2 * dot3(ray,N))))); //Approximation to Reflection

//Photon Mapping ------------------------------------------------------------------------

float[] gatherPhotons(float[] p, int type, int id){
float[] energy = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
float[] N = surfaceNormal(type, id, p, gOrigin); //Surface Normal at Current Point
for (int i = 0; i < numPhotons[type][id]; i++){ //Photons Which Hit Current Object
if (gatedSqDist3(p,photons[type][id][i][0],sqRadius)){ //Is Photon Close to Point?
float weight = max(0.0, -dot3(N, photons[type][id][i][1] )); //Single Photon Diffuse Lighting
weight *= (1.0 - sqrt(gSqDist)) / exposure; //Weight by Photon-Point Distance
energy = add3(energy, mul3c(photons[type][id][i][2], weight)); //Add Photon's Energy to Total
return energy;

void emitPhotons(){
randomSeed(0); //Ensure Same Photons Each Time
for (int t = 0; t < nrTypes; t++) //Initialize Photon Count to Zero for Each Object
for (int i = 0; i < nrObjects[t]; i++)
numPhotons[t][i] = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < (view3D ? nrPhotons * 3.0 : nrPhotons); i++){ //Draw 3x Photons For Usability
int bounces = 1;
float[] rgb = {1.0,1.0,1.0}; //Initial Photon Color is White
float[] ray = normalize3( rand3(1.0) ); //Randomize Direction of Photon Emission
float[] prevPoint = Light; //Emit From Point Light Source

//Spread Out Light Source, But Don't Allow Photons Outside Room/Inside Sphere
while (prevPoint[1] >= Light[1]){ prevPoint = add3(Light, mul3c(normalize3(rand3(1.0)), 0.75));}
if (abs(prevPoint[0]) > 1.5 || abs(prevPoint[1]) > 1.2 ||
gatedSqDist3(prevPoint,spheres[0],spheres[0][3]*spheres[0][3])) bounces = nrBounces+1;

raytrace(ray, prevPoint); //Trace the Photon's Path

while (gIntersect && bounces <= nrBounces){ //Intersection With New Object
gPoint = add3( mul3c(ray,gDist), prevPoint); //3D Point of Intersection
rgb = mul3c (getColor(rgb,gType,gIndex), 1.0/sqrt(bounces));
storePhoton(gType, gIndex, gPoint, ray, rgb); //Store Photon Info
drawPhoton(rgb, gPoint); //Draw Photon
shadowPhoton(ray); //Shadow Photon
ray = reflect(ray,prevPoint); //Bounce the Photon
raytrace(ray, gPoint); //Trace It to Next Location
prevPoint = gPoint;

void storePhoton(int type, int id, float[] location, float[] direction, float[] energy){
photons[type][id][numPhotons[type][id]][0] = location; //Location
photons[type][id][numPhotons[type][id]][1] = direction; //Direction
photons[type][id][numPhotons[type][id]][2] = energy; //Attenuated Energy (Color)

void shadowPhoton(float[] ray){ //Shadow Photons
float[] shadow = {-0.25,-0.25,-0.25};
float[] tPoint = gPoint;
int tType = gType, tIndex = gIndex; //Save State
float[] bumpedPoint = add3(gPoint,mul3c(ray,0.00001)); //Start Just Beyond Last Intersection
raytrace(ray, bumpedPoint); //Trace to Next Intersection (In Shadow)
float[] shadowPoint = add3( mul3c(ray,gDist), bumpedPoint); //3D Point
storePhoton(gType, gIndex, shadowPoint, ray, shadow);
gPoint = tPoint; gType = tType; gIndex = tIndex; //Restore State

float[] filterColor(float[] rgbIn, float r, float g, float b){ //e.g. White Light Hits Red Wall
float[] rgbOut = {r,g,b};
for (int c=0; c<3; c++) rgbOut[c] = min(rgbOut[c],rgbIn[c]); //Absorb Some Wavelengths (R,G,B)
return rgbOut;

float[] getColor(float[] rgbIn, int type, int index){ //Specifies Material Color of Each Object
if (type == 1 && index == 0) { return filterColor(rgbIn, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);}
else if (type == 1 && index == 2) { return filterColor(rgbIn, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);}
else { return filterColor(rgbIn, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);}

//Vector Operations ---------------------------------------------------------------------

float[] normalize3(float[] v){ //Normalize 3-Vector
float L = sqrt(dot3(v,v));
return mul3c(v, 1.0/L);

float[] sub3(float[] a, float[] b){ //Subtract 3-Vectors
float[] result = {a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1], a[2] - b[2]};
return result;

float[] add3(float[] a, float[] b){ //Add 3-Vectors
float[] result = {a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1], a[2] + b[2]};
return result;

float[] mul3c(float[] a, float c){ //Multiply 3-Vector with Scalar
float[] result = {c*a[0], c*a[1], c*a[2]};
return result;

float dot3(float[] a, float[] b){ //Dot Product 3-Vectors
return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2];

float[] rand3(float s){ //Random 3-Vector
float[] rand = {random(-s,s),random(-s,s),random(-s,s)};
return rand;

boolean gatedSqDist3(float[] a, float[] b, float sqradius){ //Gated Squared Distance
float c = a[0] - b[0]; //Efficient When Determining if Thousands of Points
float d = c*c; //Are Within a Radius of a Point (and Most Are Not!)
if (d > sqradius) return false; //Gate 1 - If this dimension alone is larger than
c = a[1] - b[1]; // the search radius, no need to continue
d += c*c;
if (d > sqradius) return false; //Gate 2
c = a[2] - b[2];
d += c*c;
if (d > sqradius) return false; //Gate 3
gSqDist = d; return true ; //Store Squared Distance Itself in Global State

// User Interaction and Display ---------------------------------------------------------
boolean empty = true, view3D = false; //Stop Drawing, Switch Views
PFont font; PImage img1, img2, img3; //Fonts, Images
int pRow, pCol, pIteration, pMax; //Pixel Rendering Order
boolean odd(int x) {return x % 2 != 0;}

void setup(){
size(szImg,szImg + 48, JAVA2D);
font = loadFont("Helvetica-Bold-12.vlw");

void draw(){
if (view3D){
if (empty){
stroke(0); fill(0); rect(0,0,szImg-1,szImg-1); //Black Out Drawing Area
emitPhotons(); empty = false; frameRate(10);}} //Emit & Draw Photons
if (empty) render(); else frameRate(10);} //Only Draw if Image Not Fully Rendered

void drawInterface() {
stroke(221,221,204); fill(221,221,204); rect(0,szImg,szImg,48); //Fill Background with Page Color
img1=loadImage("1_32.png"); img2=loadImage("2_32.png"); img3=loadImage("3_32.png"); //Load Images

textFont(font); //Display Text
if (!view3D) {fill(0); img3.filter(GRAY);} else fill(160);
text("Ray Tracing", 64, szImg + 28);
if (lightPhotons || view3D) {fill(0); img1.filter(GRAY);} else fill(160);
text("Photon Mapping", 368, szImg + 28);
if (!lightPhotons || view3D) img2.filter(GRAY);

stroke(0); fill(255); //Draw Buttons with Icons
rect(198,519,33,33); image(img1,199,520);
rect(240,519,33,33); image(img2,241,520);
rect(282,519,33,33); image(img3,283,520);

void render(){ //Render Several Lines of Pixels at Once Before Drawing
int x,y,iterations = 0;
float[] rgb = {0.0,0.0,0.0};

while (iterations < (mouseDragging ? 1024 : max(pMax, 256) )){

//Render Pixels Out of Order With Increasing Resolution: 2x2, 4x4, 16x16... 512x512
if (pCol >= pMax) {pRow++; pCol = 0;
if (pRow >= pMax) {pIteration++; pRow = 0; pMax = int(pow(2,pIteration));}}
boolean pNeedsDrawing = (pIteration == 1 || odd(pRow) || (!odd(pRow) && odd(pCol)));
x = pCol * (szImg/pMax); y = pRow * (szImg/pMax);

if (pNeedsDrawing){
rgb = mul3c( computePixelColor(x,y), 255.0); //All the Magic Happens in Here!
stroke(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2]); fill(rgb[0],rgb[1],rgb[2]); //Stroke & Fill
rect(x,y,(szImg/pMax)-1,(szImg/pMax)-1);} //Draw the Possibly Enlarged Pixel
if (pRow == szImg-1) {empty = false;}

void resetRender(){ //Reset Rendering Variables
pRow=0; pCol=0; pIteration=1; pMax=2; frameRate(9999);
empty=true; if (lightPhotons && !view3D) emitPhotons();}

void drawPhoton(float[] rgb, float[] p){ //Photon Visualization
if (view3D && p[2] > 0.0){ //Only Draw if In Front of Camera
int x = (szImg/2) + (int)(szImg * p[0]/p[2]); //Project 3D Points into Scene
int y = (szImg/2) + (int)(szImg * -p[1]/p[2]); //Don't Draw Outside Image
if (y <= szImg) {stroke(255.0*rgb[0],255.0*rgb[1],255.0*rgb[2]); point(x,y);}}

//Mouse and Keyboard Interaction --------------------------------------------------------
int prevMouseX = -9999, prevMouseY = -9999, sphereIndex = -1;
float s = 130.0; //Arbitary Constant Through Experimentation
boolean mouseDragging = false;
void mouseReleased() {prevMouseX = -9999; prevMouseY = -9999; mouseDragging = false;}
void keyPressed() {switchToMode(key,9999);}

void mousePressed(){
sphereIndex = 2; //Click Spheres
float[] mouse3 = {(mouseX - szImg/2)/s, -(mouseY - szImg/2)/s, 0.5*(spheres[0][2] + spheres[1][2])};
if (gatedSqDist3(mouse3,spheres[0],spheres[0][3])) sphereIndex = 0;
else if (gatedSqDist3(mouse3,spheres[1],spheres[1][3])) sphereIndex = 1;
if (mouseY > szImg) switchToMode('0', mouseX); //Click Buttons

void mouseDragged(){
if (prevMouseX > -9999 && sphereIndex > -1){
if (sphereIndex < nrObjects[0]){ //Drag Sphere
spheres[sphereIndex][0] += (mouseX - prevMouseX)/s;
spheres[sphereIndex][1] -= (mouseY - prevMouseY)/s;}
else{ //Drag Light
Light[0] += (mouseX - prevMouseX)/s; Light[0] = constrain(Light[0],-1.4,1.4);
Light[1] -= (mouseY - prevMouseY)/s; Light[1] = constrain(Light[1],-0.4,1.2);}
prevMouseX = mouseX; prevMouseY = mouseY; mouseDragging = true;

void switchToMode(char i, int x){ // Switch Between Raytracing, Photon Mapping Views
if (i=='1' || x<230) {view3D = false; lightPhotons = false; resetRender(); drawInterface();}
else if (i=='2' || x<283) {view3D = false; lightPhotons = true; resetRender(); drawInterface();}
else if (i=='3' || x<513) {view3D = true; resetRender(); drawInterface();}