Attractors and Fractals
Grant Schindler, 2008

Change Parameters: Drag red and blue indicators to change parameters.

Hide Indicators: Press 'h' to hide indicator circles.

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Description By iterating a simple function over and over while plotting the results, we can generate beautiful fractal structures. Here, we plot the resulting iterations in real-time while the user changes the function parameters by dragging around the red and blue circles. Once the function has iterated 1 million times, the result is rendered in high quality.

Technical Details Here, we visualize the attractors of a dynamical system (the Peter De Jong attractor) defined by the equations:

xn+1 = sin(Ayn) - cos(Bxn)
yn+1 = sin(Cxn) - cos(Dyn)

The parameters A,B,C,D in the above equations are set by varying the positions of the red and blue indicators. Color is defined by a third equation which piggybacks on the first two without affecting them:

zn+1 = sin(Exn) - cos(Fzn)

We use the rendering scheme of Scott Draves' fractal flames in which the attractor is visualized as a log-scale histogram.

Source Code Source code is provided below for educational purposes. Complete source files for the project are here: attractors.pde (8KB). Built with Processing.

References Scott Draves. Fractal Flames. 1992.

//Attractors and Fractals
//Grant Schindler, 2008

//Variables and Coefficients (Initial Values) ------------------------------------
float a = 1.78125, b = -0.78125, c = 1.90625, d = 2.65625, e = 0.7, f = -1.1; //Coefficients
float x = 0.6, y = 0.9, z = 0.3; //Variables
float xn,yn,zn,la,lb,lc,ld; //Temporary Copies of Variables, Coefficients

int N = 512, u, v; //Image Size, Pixel Coordinates
PImage img = createImage(N,N,RGB); //Image Itself
float K = N*0.2; //Image Scaling Constant

float[] r = {0.0,0.0,0.0}; //Color (float)
int[] clr = {0,0,0}; //Color (int)
float[][][] fimg; //Point Accumulation Array

int nrSamples = 1000000;
int nrPasses = 16;
int nrIterations = nrSamples/nrPasses;
int imageProgress=0, total=0; //Bookkeeping
boolean noise = true, init = true, hide = false; //Display Options

void update(){
la = a; lb = b; lc = c; ld = d; //Add Noise to Coefficients for Smoothness
if (noise) { la += random(-0.001, 0.001); lb += random(-0.001, 0.001);
lc += random(-0.001, 0.001); ld += random(-0.001, 0.001);}

xn = sin (la*y) - cos(lb*x); //*************************************************
yn = sin (lc*x) - cos(ld*y); //** Update Temp Variables -- Magic Lies Here ****
zn = sin ( e*x) - cos( f*z); //*************************************************

x = xn; y = yn; z = zn; //Set Original to Temp
u = (int)((x+2.5) * K); //Convert to 2D Image Space for Plotting
v = (int)((y+2.5) * K);

r[0] = z * 0.9 + (1.0-z) * 0.6; //Map Z-Coordinate to Color
r[1] = z * 0.2 + (1.0-z) * 0.4;
r[2] = z * 0.5 + (1.0-z) * 0.9;

void accumulatePoints(){
if (imageProgress < nrPasses){
colorMode(RGB, 1.0);
for (int i = 0; i < nrIterations; i++){
update(); //Compute Next Point
fimg[u][v][0] += r[0]; fimg[u][v][1] += r[1]; //Add New Point to Total
fimg[u][v][2] += r[2]; fimg[u][v][3] += 1.0;
if (i < 2000) {stroke(r[0],r[1],r[2]); point(u,v);} //Draw Points
colorMode(RGB, 255);
imageProgress++; if (imageProgress <= nrPasses) total += nrIterations;

void draw(){
float a0 = a, b0 = b, c0 = c, d0 = d; //Adjust Coefficients Based On Mouse Position
if (active == 1) { ma = mouseX; mb = mouseY; a = fromMouse(ma); b = fromMouse(mb);}
if (active == 2) { mc = mouseX; md = mouseY; c = fromMouse(mc); d = fromMouse(md);}
if (!(a == a0 && b == b0 && c == c0 && d == d0)) {init = true;} //Mouse Moved - Parameters Changed

//Initialize Collection Bins
if (init) {
for (int i=0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < N; j++) {
for (int k=0; k < 4; k++) {
fimg[i][j][k] = 1.0; //Set All to 1.0 (Log-Valued Zero)
imageProgress = 0; total = 0; init = false;


//-- Render Accumulated Points -------------------------------------------------------
if (imageProgress == nrPasses && total == nrSamples){

//Find Max Value - //
float t1 = millis();
float max = -1.0;
for (int i=0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < N; j++) {
if (fimg[i][j][3] > max){
max = fimg[i][j][3];}}}

//Adjust Values and Fill Image
float logval, logmax = log(max);
float M = (logmax * logmax) / 255.0; //Precomputation for ratio (log(val)/log(max))^2

for (int i=0; i < N; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < N; j++) {
for (int k=0; k < 3; k++) {
logval = log(fimg[i][j][k]);
clr[k] = (int) (logval * logval / M);
img.pixels[j*N + i] = color(clr[0],clr[1],clr[2]);
img.updatePixels(); //
float t2 = millis(); println("Render: " + (t2-t1));

if (total >= nrSamples) {image(img,0,0,N,N);} //Draw Rendered Image

//Draw Indicators for Coefficients
if (!hide) { stroke(200);
fill(100,0,0); ellipse(ma, mb, (active == 1) ? 20 : 10, (active == 1) ? 20: 10);
fill(0,0,100); ellipse(mc, md, (active == 2) ? 20 : 10, (active == 2) ? 20: 10);}

//-- User Interface ------------------------------------------------
int toMouse(float a) {return (int)((float)N * (a + 4.0)/8.0);}
float fromMouse(int X) {return -4.0 + 8.0 * (float)X/(float)N;}
int ma,mb,mc,md,active = 0; //Mouse Coordinates of Coefficients

void setup(){
fimg = new float[N][N][4];
ma = toMouse(a); mb = toMouse(b); mc = toMouse(c); md = toMouse(d);

void keyPressed() {if (key == 'n') noise = !noise; if (key == 'h') hide = !hide;}

void mousePressed(){
if (active != 0) active = 0;
else if (sq(mouseX-mc) + sq(mouseY-md) < sq(10.0)) {active = 2;}
else if (sq(mouseX-ma) + sq(mouseY-mb) < sq(10.0)) {active = 1;}